Китайский поставщик спиральных стальных труб: Окончательное руководство для 2025 года
Overview of China Spiral Steel Pipe Suppliers China is home to some of the largest and most advanced spiral steel pipe manufacturers in the world. These suppliers produce high-quality SSAW (Spiral Submerged Arc Welded) pipes that are widely used in oil & gas pipelines, water transmission, structural applications, and industrial projects. Chinese spiral steel pipe…
Китай Спиральные стальные трубы: Окончательное руководство для 2025 года
Overview of China Spiral Steel Pipe China is one of the largest producers and exporters of spiral steel pipes in the world, supplying high-quality spiral submerged arc welded (SSAW) pipes for oil & gas pipelines, water transmission, structural applications, and industrial projects. China’s steel industry is known for advanced manufacturing processes, strict quality control, and…
DIN 30678 Трубы со спиральным сварным швом с полипропиленовым покрытием: Определяющее руководство на 2025 год
Overview of DIN 30678 Polypropylene Coated Spiral Weld Pipe The DIN 30678 Polypropylene (PP) Coated Spiral Weld Pipe is a premium-grade steel pipe used in oil & gas pipelines, water transmission, industrial piping, offshore projects, and buried pipeline applications. The polypropylene (PP) coating provides exceptional corrosion resistance, UV resistance, and mechanical strength, making it ideal…
DIN 30676 Трубы со спиральным сварным швом с эпоксидным покрытием из каменноугольного дегтя: Окончательное руководство на 2025 год
Overview of DIN 30676 Coal Tar Epoxy Coated Spiral Weld Pipe The DIN 30676 Coal Tar Epoxy (CTE) Coated Spiral Weld Pipe is a high-performance steel pipe designed for water transmission, wastewater systems, oil & gas pipelines, and industrial applications. The coal tar epoxy (CTE) coating provides exceptional corrosion resistance, chemical protection, and mechanical strength,…
DIN 30671 Трубы со спиральным сварным швом с эпоксидным покрытием: Полное руководство для 2025 года
Overview of DIN 30671 Fused Epoxy Coated Spiral Weld Pipe The DIN 30671 Fused Epoxy Coated Spiral Weld Pipe is a premium-quality steel pipe used in oil & gas pipelines, water transmission, industrial piping, and buried pipeline applications. The fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) coating ensures exceptional corrosion resistance, high adhesion, and durability, making it ideal…
DIN 30670 Трубы со спиральным сварным швом с полиэтиленовым покрытием: Полное руководство для 2025 года
Overview of DIN 30670 PE Coated Spiral Weld Pipe The DIN 30670 PE Coated Spiral Weld Pipe is a high-performance steel pipe used in oil & gas transmission, water pipelines, and industrial applications. The polyethylene (PE) coating provides exceptional corrosion resistance, mechanical protection, and durability, making it an ideal choice for buried pipelines, offshore applications,…
AWWA C216 Трубы со спиральным сварным швом с прорезиненным асфальтовым покрытием: Руководство для 2025 года
Overview of AWWA C216 Rubberized Asphalt Coated Spiral Weld Pipe The AWWA C216 rubberized asphalt-coated spiral weld pipe is a high-performance steel pipe primarily used in water transmission, wastewater systems, oil & gas pipelines, and industrial applications. The rubberized asphalt coating provides exceptional corrosion resistance, mechanical protection, and chemical durability, making it highly suitable for…
AWWA C215 Трубы со спиральным сварным швом с покрытием из экструдированного полиэтилена (XPE): Окончательное руководство на 2025 год
Overview of AWWA C215 Extruded Polyethylene (XPE) Coated Spiral Weld Pipe The AWWA C215 XPE Coated Spiral Weld Pipe is a high-performance steel pipe used in water transmission, oil & gas pipelines, and industrial applications. The extruded polyethylene (XPE) coating provides superior corrosion resistance, mechanical strength, and long-term durability, making it ideal for buried pipelines,…
AWWA C214 3LPE/3LPP с покрытием для спиральной сварки труб: Окончательное руководство для 2025 года
Overview of AWWA C214 3LPE/3LPP Coated Spiral Weld Pipe The AWWA C214 3LPE/3LPP Coated Spiral Weld Pipe is a high-performance steel pipe used in water transmission, oil & gas pipelines, and industrial applications. The three-layer polyethylene (3LPE) and three-layer polypropylene (3LPP) coatings provide superior corrosion resistance, mechanical protection, and long-term durability, making them ideal for…
AWWA C213 Трубы со спиральным сварным швом с покрытием FBE: Окончательное руководство для 2025 года
Overview of AWWA C213 Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Coated Spiral Weld Pipe The AWWA C213 FBE Coated Spiral Weld Pipe is a high-performance steel pipe used for water transmission, wastewater systems, oil & gas pipelines, and industrial applications. The fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) coating provides exceptional corrosion resistance, mechanical protection, and chemical durability, making it…
AWWA C210 Трубы со спиральным сварным швом с эпоксидным/полиуретановым покрытием: Исчерпывающее руководство на 2025 год
Overview of AWWA C210 Epoxy/Polyurethane Coated Spiral Weld Pipe The AWWA C210 Epoxy/Polyurethane Coated Spiral Weld Pipe is a high-performance steel pipe used for water transmission, wastewater systems, and industrial pipelines. The epoxy or polyurethane coating provides exceptional corrosion resistance, high durability, and superior chemical protection, making it an ideal choice for municipal water supply,…
AWWA C209 Трубы со спиральным сварным швом с ленточным покрытием холодного нанесения: Исчерпывающее руководство на 2025 год
Overview of AWWA C209 Cold-Applied Tape Coated Spiral Weld Pipe The AWWA C209 Cold-Applied Tape Coated Spiral Weld Pipe is a large-diameter steel pipe designed for water transmission, wastewater systems, and industrial pipelines. The cold-applied tape coating provides excellent corrosion resistance, mechanical protection, and ease of installation, making it an ideal choice for underground and…